besidesm of CVM numbers - 2022
Check the report "In addition to CVM 2020 numbers -Enforcementin the Brazilian Capital Market", elaborated by MFCap, analyzing the performance of the CVM in the year 2022.
Beyond Regulator's Data - 2022
Check the report"Beyond the regulator's data: enforcement on the Brazilian Capital Market", prepared by MFCap, analyzing CVM's performance in 2022.
Climate Stewardship in Brazil: a guide for investors
Climate Stewardship in Brazil: a guide for investors
Guide prepared by the Center for Studies in Financial and Capital Markets at FGV Direito SP and by LACLIMA, with the support of Investors for Climate and Instituto Clima e Sociedade, seeks to help investors and asset managers in Brazil to fulfill their fiduciary duties in the management of climate risks and opportunities.
Climate Stewardship in Brazil: a guide for investors
A guide prepared by the Center for Financial and Capital Markets Studies at FGV Direito SP and by LACLIMA, with support from Investidores pelo Clima (Investors for Climate) and Institute for Climate and Society, seeks to help investors and asset managers in Brazil to fulfill their fiduciary duties in managing climate risks and opportunities.
In addition to CVM Numbers and CRSFN Numbers - 2021
In addition to CVM numbers - 2021
Check the report "In addition to CVM 2021 numbers -Enforcementin the Brazilian Capital Market", prepared by MFCap, analyzing the performance of the CVM in 2021.
Beyond The Regulator's Data -2021
Check the report "Beyond the regulator's data: enforcement on the Brazilian Capital Market", prepared by MFCap, analyzing CVM's performance in 2021.
CRSFN numbers in CVM cases - 2021
Check the report "CRSFN numbers in CVM cases 2021 -Enforcementin the Brazilian Capital Market", prepared by MFCap, analyzing CRSFN's performance in 2021.
Beyond CVM Numbers - 2020
In addition to CVM numbers - 2020
Check the report "In addition to CVM 2020 numbers -Enforcementin the Brazilian Capital Market", prepared by MFCap, analyzing the performance of the CVM in 2020.
Beyond The Regulator's Data -2020
Check the report "Beyond the regulator's data: enforcement on the Brazilian Capital Market", prepared by MFCap, analyzing CVM's performance in 2020.
Cases involving corporate matters represent 27% of the total number of cases judged by the CVM in 2020. Most of them deal with the due diligence of managers. Looking at the results of the processes, however, it was found that the number of acquittals is high. read morehere.
Terms of Commitment at CVM
In 2020, CVM evaluated 178 proposals for commitment terms, of which 100 were accepted. More than half (106) were linked to accusations of violation of market violations provided for in CVM Instruction 08/79, in corporate matters and public offering of securities. Most of the proposals (128) were made by individuals. read morehere.
As in the previous year, market offenses continued to represent a significant part of the CVM's enforcement activity. And with a high rate of convictions, for cases that are brought to trial. In 2020, in 100% of the cases involving accusations of illegal trade, there was at least one conviction.
These data are part of the report "Beyond CVM numbers: enforcement in the Brazilian capital market - 2020", released by the Center for Studies in Financial and Capital Markets (MFCap) of FGV Direito SP. read morehere.