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International capital market regulation standards and their influence in Brazil


The objective of this research resides in, respecting the limits and restrictions imposed by the different jurisdictions and their respective legal traditions, understanding:


  • the nature of relationships established in the international scenario of capital markets and how it affects national regulatory activity;

  • the limits of national and international regulation - possibilities for harmonization in regulatory matters; It is

  • the legal determinants that can lead to the development of the regulatory environment, and, consequently, to the development of the market.

Researchers involved:


Participating in this research project are: Viviane Muller Prado, Nora Rachman and Alexandre Coelho

Publications and results:


Within the scope of the research project on international capital market regulation standards and their influence in Brazil, the following works were prepared:


1. Internationalization of international regulatory standards in Brazil: The IOSCO case. (click here for download) 

Article on the case of IOSCO standards, by Nora Rachman, Viviane Muller Prado and Alexandre Coelho:

2.  Paths of regulatory cooperation in the capital market. (Click here to download)


Doctoral thesis by Nora Rachman, prepared at the Institute of International Relations of the University of São Paulo (USP)

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