Capital Market History
This project aims to identify, organize and disseminate relevant documentation for carrying out studies on the history of regulation of the Brazilian capital market, from the 19th century to the present, particularly its legislative and regulatory evolution.
The material collected during the execution of the other projects at MFCap-FGV will be gradually organized and made available on theWeb sitecore, allowing other scholars and researchers to have access to documents and sources identified and used. All materials are available exclusively in electronic media and those originally obtained in physical media will be digitized.
Each set of documents is accompanied by a brief presentation of the material available for research. Whenever possible, links to documents available in publicly accessible databases will be maintained. If this type of connection is not possible, the files will be hosted by MFCap-FGV, indicating the source.
If you have any additional material related to the following topics and wish to use MFCap-FGV for its dissemination, please contact those responsible for each topic, as indicated below.
Law No. 4,728, of July 14, 1965
The material was collected during the research work in 2012, which resulted in the publication of a work on the development of the Brazilian capital market after 1964 (PRADO, Viviane Muller; MATTOS FILHO, Ary Oswaldo. 1964. In: LIMA, Maria Lucia LM Pádua.(Org.).Contemporary Agenda: law and economics: 30 years in Brazil. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2012, v. II, p. 189-235.).
Research execution: Ary Oswaldo Mattos Filho and Viviane Muller Prado
Organization of the material: Marcos Galileu Lorena Dutra
Publications and results:
Six months in 1965: Law No. 4,728, the extinction of public funds brokers and the founding of the modern capital market(Click here to download).
List of material surveyed, with identification and links to documents of interest and bibliographical references according to the ABNT standard(Click here to download).